Problem, meet solution.
We architect Mac and cloud-based solutions for your small to mid-sized business to make your computing experience transparent.
Our goal is to the make your future work universally accessible and immediately practical. With efficient tools and time-tested practices over our 30+ years, we’re dedicated to helping clients boost productivity, equipment responsiveness and overall profitability.
Call MacAlchemist today at 310/621.6710
Services We Offer
- Offsite IT services
- Consultation
- PC to Mac conversion
- iPhone/iPad set up & integration
- Network installation
- Email & contact management
- Hardware recommendations
- Rapid Response® remote access repair/maintenance
- Website hosting & design
- Security issues

- Chaos to Clarity® coaching
- Photo & document storage solutions
- Triple Guard backup services
- Cloud services
- Discreet services for high profile clientele
What Our Clients Say
“Erik Madsen is a thorough, trustworthy and knowledgeable Mac specialist. He has bailed me out of disaster numerous times, and I would recommend him to anybody!”
“We have counted on Erik for Mac solutions since 1998. MacAlchemist supports our company in three
critical areas: repair, software support and strategy. Dependable, knowledgeable and creative,
MacAlchemist is the gold standard of Mac support organizations.”
“Erik has been a consistent source of consulting and peer review for security and IT systems issues. He
has worked on multiple projects since the 1980’s and has always delivered on time and on budget. I can
recommend MacAlchemist for your most sensitive issues.”
“Erik from MacAlchemist rocks!!! Nobody out there knows Macs and Mac software better than Erik, bar
none! His service, outstanding! Communication and follow through, terrific! Rates, more than reasonable!
All in all, no one other than Erik and MacAlchemist is allowed to do technical, upgrade or consulting work
on my Macs. No one! If that doesn”t tell you how strongly we feel about MacAlchemist’s work then
nothing will!”
“MacAlchemist are the new scientists of the modern age. These guys are like super heroes! I am serious.”
“I’m an independent producer who relies heavily on my personal laptop. Whenever I’ve had any questions or problems, MacAlchemist are quick to respond, efficient in fixing my problems and always right in their advice on how to proceed, upgrade or make any changes that are necessary. I trust them implicitly.”
“In the ever expanding Mac Universe, a person can feel very lost in space when issues come up. Having a life line like Erik makes the journey one that can be made with peace of mind, knowing that there is someone there who knows me, knows what I do, what programs I use most, etc., and can help me and my bandmates stay current in hardware, software and offer a hand in those very rare times when I just can’t get shit to work and I’m ready to toss it off a cliff.”
“I hate “vendors.” I love “friends.” Vendors overbill you, never work the hours when you need the help, have layers of bureaucracy and pages and pages of rules. Friends bend over backwards to help you. 24/7, on your doorstep when it?s needed without you even having to ask. Friends call to chat when it?s not even about business. Friends help you when you move. Erik Madsen is a friend. Who happens to be damned good at keeping our very complex computer systems up and running. I love “friends.””
About MacAlchemist
Erik Madsen of MacAlchemist has provided expert Apple hardware and software support and consultation to the Los Angeles business community for over 17 years. Originally from Seattle, Erik has over 30 years experience working with Apple products.
The MacAlchemist methodology is to understand customer needs, implementing scalable solutions that can adapt and grow as client needs evolve. In turn, clients can become more effective and efficient in their own businesses.
Fluent in the latest technology, MacAlchemist is adept at remote connectivity for decentralized offices, including shared contact/calendar/file management and sychronization, mobile devices, mail servers and file/web services, remote backup, migration of Windows to Mac and product recommendations.
MacAlchemist’s clients include professionals in entertainment & media, financial management, real estate, accounting, law, healthcare, apparel, fine art, advertising/marketing, graphic design, restaurants, and travel. With a professional background in music, MacAlchemist also provides service and support to those in the music industry.

Mission Statement
To offer our clients wellness-based computing solutions that make the technology transparent, allowing users to become self-sufficient and better able to focus on the projects and business they’re passionate about.
MacAlchemist Blog
Email Espionage: Mastering SPF, DKIM, and DMARC in the Art of Digital Defense
Mastering SPF, DKIM, and DMARC in the Art of Digital Defense Introduction: Decrypting the Digital Enigma Welcome back to the secret lair, Agent. Tonight’s mission takes us deep into the shadowy realm of [...]